Monday, October 19, 2009


IPLEASE BEWARE AND I WOULD ADVISE YOU TO BE VERY CAREFULL WHEN THINKING ABOUT MAKING A PURCHASE ON A LINKS OF LONDON SWEETIE BRACELET ON EBAY.THE MAJORITY OF SWEETIE BRACELETS SOLD ON EBAY ARE 'FAKE'!I fell for it hook, line and sinker.....please don't you! I recently purchased a lovely and what i believed was a genuine, authentic links of london sweetie bracelet, as the seller stated it was a genuine item of jewellery and apparently he explained he had purchased them in bulk from an auction....yeah right! I cant believe i fell for this. I bought the bracelet as a 'Buy now' and payed through paypal...which i'm so glad i did. Only to find out later ebay had removed it from the listing as the seller breached one or more of their policies. As you can probably guess the seller never kept in contact. I sent anemail, getting him to confirm again to me that the bracelet was '100% authentic/ genuine. Did i get a reply...did i heck! i filed a dispute with paypal and only then did the seller reply with a nasty comment explaining he didnt live at the computer and had a life, and explained the bracelet would be sent out soon. Well to be honest i wasnt to sure about the whole thing and sent a few emails saying i would just like a full refund. Did i get a refund...No. Just as i thought he sent outthe bracelet...probs hoping i would just keep it and that would be the end of it..... Well its now in the hands of paypal, and i have to say paypal have been brilliant! When i received the bracelet i took it straight to the jewellers who checked and tested it and confirmed it was a fake piece of jewellery. At first inspection i doubted the authenticy of the bracelet as you could visibly see the join marks where links had been solded together, it didnt even feel like real silver and when comparing it to a genuine links of london sweetie bracelet you could then notice all the obvious un- genuine markings. It was a good fake...but that wasnt what i wanted, i wanted as do all of us want the 'REAL' thing.The bracelet came with a heart charm and came with a FAKE box, bag and even copied FAKE care labels. The seller (daneb2008)was immediately removed from ebay. I hope this helps to stop more genuine people falling into the same trap as me, its such a shame to see so many fakes on ebay now, ive purchased quite a few things from ebay over the years and have found all my items genuine and authentic, why do people have to spoil things?TO ALL THOSE GENUINE BUYERS OUT THERE...PLEASE...PLEASE BEWARE! I WISH I HAD HAVE READ THESE GUIDES BEFORE I PURCHASED MINE.


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