Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Body Piercing - Types of Piercings and their names !

I have written this guide to explain some of the various types ofPiercings available and their placings - If you know of any i have missed then please let me know !Ear PiercingsEar LobeHelix piercing ( Top outer ear Cartilage ), Auricle Piercing ( Middle Outer ear cartilage ) Rook ( Inner ear cartilage )Conch ( Centre of the ear )Diath ( Inner ear cartilage just above the the opening to the ear canal )Forward Pinna ( front rim of the ear cartilage )Tragus ( Flap of skin at the enterance to the ear canal )Anti Tragus ( Outer rim of the ear oposite the tragus )Scaffold ( Two seperate rim piercings designed to be worn with a long barbell )EyebrowYou cant really do much with these !Nose PiercingsSeptum ( cartilage at the base of the nose )Bridge ( between the eyes at the very top of the nose )Tongue piercingsOnly really one place for these too !Lip and Cheek PiercingsLower LipMadonna Piercing ( 2 of these are called twin madonna piercings !! )Filtrum Piercing ( upper lip labret piercing )Superior Fraenum ( Central piercing inside the mouth behind the upper lip )Inferior Fraenum ( Central Piercing inside the mouth behind the lower lip )Neck PiercingsPendant ( in the fold of skin below your adams apple )Oblongata ( Back of the neck )Belly or Navel PiercingsUpper Belly ( The most common )Lower Belly ( the bottom of the belly is pierced instead of the top ! )Side ( dont need to explain this one ! )Scaffold ( one piece of jewellery worn in both top and bottom belly piercings )Nipple PiercingsNipple ( can be horizontal or vertical )Brooch Piercing ( off centre on the fleshy part of the chest )Cleavage Piercing ( no prizes for guessing this one ! )Adult PiercingsChecking with Ebay on this bit !!!

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