Monday, October 26, 2009



Amber is the ancient and fossilized resin of long dead trees that grew in forests millions and millions of years ago. Over the eons, chemical and physical changes occurred, fossilizing the resin to produce the Amber we know today.
Although a fossilized plant resin that generally consists of organic carbon, hydrogen and oxygen structures, the compositions vary depending on the type of parental plant species.
Research indicates that Amber ranges from about 2 million to 360 million years in age, although most gem quality Amber ranges from 5 million to 50 million years.
Amber is a unique gem. On top of its beauty, Amber bequeaths man valuable scientific data through its ability to act as a window on the past. Its unique ability to preserve the organic tissues of prehistoric life forms is highly valued by both gem collectors and scientists alike. Legends

Orignal From: Amber

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